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Pathwork radionica, 22. maj 2021.

U subotu, 22. maja od 9:00 do 12:00h održaće se uvodna radionica na kojoj ćete ponovo imati prilike da se upoznate sa grupnim radom Pathwork-a. Tema radionice je "Prinuđenost ponovnog stvaranja i prevazilaženja bola iz detinjstva". Radionicu vodi Jelena Pavić, licencirani Pathwork helper koji hoda na ovom putu već 13 godina. Ova uvodna radionica je besplatna i otvorena za sve koje zanima ova tema, uz obaveznu prijavu zbog ograničenog broja mesta. Mejl za prijavu je: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


The Pathwork is a series of 258 Lectures channelled to Eva Pierrakos between 1957 until her death in 1979. The being (known only as the Guide) who channelled these inspiring lectures would give no details about itself, but rather asked those who heard and read the lectures to test their validity and relevance against their own reality. Read more...


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